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Sounding the Monsoon

The Transregional Collaboratory on the Indian Ocean

Project Notes

Project Type:
Design Research
The Social Science Research Council (SSRC), 2020

PI: Dr. Jonathan Cane - University of Pretoria
PI: Euclides Gonçalves - Kaleidoscopio
PI: Professor Lindsay Bremner – University of Westminster
Rufus Maculuve -  Kaleidoscopio
Dr. Samid Suliman - Griffith University
Kaya Barry - Griffith University
Ben Pollock – 4D Island

March 2021

SSRC - The Transregional Collaboratory on the Indian Ocean

Project Tags:
2020, Research, Indian Ocean, Mapping, Transdisciplinary

Sounding the Monsoon brings together scientific understandings of climate change with everyday experience through creative strategies that explore changing human-ecological-monsoonal relations in the Indian Ocean region. Through digital modes of collaboration, we will be testing the potential of dialogues between sound, music, photography, film and climate mapping to explore how the monsoon is changing, and how human and non-human lives are changing with it. The geographic focus of this SSRC Transregional Collaboratory on the Indian Ocean Planning Grant project is on Ilha de Moçambique, the culturally and ecologically important island in the Nampula Province of Mozambique.

The outputs of the are from the phase 1 of The Social Science Research Council (SSRC), Transregional Collaboratory on the Indian Ocean; an independent, international nonprofit, mobilizes necessary knowledge for the public good by supporting scholars worldwide. The programme seeked to support novel modes of engagement and transdisciplinary research through supporting locally situated researchers in the Global South, with resources to coproduce knowledge alongside international peers.

4D Island were tasked with mapping and animating climate data to support sounding and knowledge insights from the teams video artists, musicians, social scientists and researchers. With the aim of contextualising’s and climatically realising new insights on social, economic and political dynamics interlinking across the Indian Ocean in the context and the relevance of climate and environmental change and monsoonal rhythms.

Project discussion and preview can be seen as part of, Monsoon Multiplicities: Practicing Architecture Otherwise, March 2021.  https://youtu.be/Yy7-DwFa5uU

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