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Project Zero

Targeting Zero Carbon for U.K. Schools

Project Notes

Jestico + Whiles

Wates Construction
CSD Ltd.
Jestico + Whiles Architects

February 2021

Work and imagery property of Jestico + Whiles Architects.

Project Tags:
2021, Research, Net Zero, Carbon, Architecture

Project Zero was an extended research project focused on optioneering and technical appraisal of architectural, structural and services design solutions to deliver net zero carbon schools build by the Department of Education in the UK. Ultimately asking ‘can we provide a net zero operational carbon and low embodied carbon offering in our future school projects? And how?’

The aim was to challenge the ‘one size fits all’ approach and arrive at a suite of solutions which could be applied to a variety of future school projects (new build, retrofit or refurbishments) to meet and exceed future performance requirements while considering a holistic approach to whole life carbon and the design of schools. Taking into account the construction, operation and end of life disassembly through the lens of embodied carbon, operational carbon and affordability.

Principally this was driven by an iterative fabric first approach apprising key packages such as the substructure, superstructure, envelope, internal packages, and services. considering technical performance required in terms of classroom environments while maintaining high quality design standards and learning environments. This involved reviewing alternative construction systems environmental credentials, performance and affordability. In addition to energy model to review material options against servicing options considering heat loss, Part L, EPC, TM52 Overheating and TM54 Operational Energy against LETI 2030 targets.

4D Island we sub consultants to Jestico + Whiles, contributing through technical experience, modelling expertise as well as report writing and team coordination around climate and carbon performance issues. Outputs included a 100 page illustrated report including a 400 page technical annex.

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