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Citizens Mapping Proposal: 2020

GRFC Funding

Project Notes

Project Type:
Research Proposal

June 2020

Project Tags:
2020, Research, Maldives, Mapping, Adaptation

This proposal is a feasibility study into the use of community-based citizens mapping’s potential to assist in the sustainable development and climate adaptation of the Maldives.

The Maldives is increasing under climate threat with little data being collected at scale to understand its widespread impacts and effects. The methodology of citizens mapping to co-create data to inform local planning and development strategies is an inclusive and cooperative processes. One that the project team believes will improve the understanding of the local context and help to strategically focus efforts on climate adaptation and capacity building within future development.

In the absence of certainty and purely model-based climate scenarios, the digital and physical workflows to be investigated offer a novel solution on the affordability and saleability of documenting climate impacts through local data collection. Creating further opportunity for innovation on evidence-based planning and computational design methods that are inclusive of the community’s concerns, indigenous knowledge of island systems and local visions of vulnerability.

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